Dolan Law Offices

What is Expungement & Could That Work for Me Too?

With the advent of the legalization of marijuana in California, the term expungement is thrown around more commonly. And while there may be individuals who are serving long sentences related to marijuana charges (usually in connection with growing or intent to sell), there are also many who have been arrested and are currently stigmatized with drug charges on their records. If this is the case for you, chances are you would like to see those charges disappear from your legal history, especially as laws and much of public opinion (in California and other progressive states like Colorado, for instance) has loosened up, with greater tolerance all around—if not complete acceptance.

It may seem almost unbelievable to imagine something that has been following you around causing negative repercussions for so long could just be erased, but this has been part of the plan for many with the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana. And while this may have been an extremely serious charge at the time, today legal and social perspectives have changed. That is so with other more serious crimes though, with little chance for expungement; for instance, if you were charged with a violent crime, a serious felony, or a rape or sexual battery charge, you would probably have little hope for seeing these items expunged from your record. Sexual offenses, arrests related to pornography, or lewd behavior will probably remain on your record.

The expungement is a court action, and you will need the help of a skilled expungement attorney to see the process through successfully, with the criminal conviction being sealed to the public from that point forward.

If you are interested in having charges expunged in California, you will need experienced legal assistance, as the future of your reputation may hang in the balance.

Please call the Dolan Law Offices now. We will listen carefully to your concerns, review your case, and offer advice based on many years of experience. John Patrick Dolan understands California’s complex criminal defense laws including white collar crimes, DUI, domestic violence, sexual assault charges, and violent & serious felonies. At the Dolan Law Offices, we provide the experience you need to help you fight for your rights and best interests. Call us at (760) 775-3739 or contact us online as soon as possible.