Have you or someone you love been arrested for assault and battery? Has a spouse, lover or cohabitant accused you of domestic violence or spousal abuse? Have you been served with a restraining order? Today’s political and psychological climate clearly works against those accused with a crime of violence. In the minds of the police, prosecutors and the public, you are all but “guilty until proven innocent.”
Criminal Law Specialist John Patrick Dolan Protects Your Rights
If you or someone you love has been charged with assault, domestic violence or spousal abuse, Dolan Law Offices can help you.
John Patrick Dolan is a Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist with more than 40 years of experience handling cases in felony and municipal courts. He is a life member of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice and a member of the National Association for Criminal Defense Lawyers. He will make sure your legal rights are protected and fight for you in court.