John Patrick Dolan 0 ArsonAssaultCriminal Defense AttorneyCriminal law attorneyFelonymisdemeanorSex offense chargesShopliftingStalkingTheftviolent crimesWeapon Offenses October 13, 2021 Attempt Crimes: How Are They Charged In California?Trying to commit a crime but failing to complete it is a crime in California.…Read More
dev 0 ShopliftingTheftTheft June 20, 2019 Accused of Theft? Understand the Different Types of ChargesTheft is a crime as old as the ages, and of course most of us…Read More
dev 0 Shoplifting March 28, 2019 Five Signs You May Be Suffering from KleptomaniaChances are, retailers in California are not going to look the other way if they…Read More
dev 0 Shoplifting March 20, 2019 Shoplifting May Point to Mental Health IssuesEven the smallest of ‘innocuous’ actions can be considered—and are—shoplifting. That tiny something at the…Read More